HCSRN 2025 Conference Volunteer Signup

Volunteering your time will help ensure a seamless execution of the HCSRN Annual Conference. Your assistance is invaluable to the Annual Conference Planning Committee!! This is a unique opportunity for a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at what it takes to run a smooth meeting and is a great career development opportunity. Completing six or more hours of volunteering throughout the Conference will earn a complimentary registration.

Here is a brief snapshot of what would be expected of each kind of volunteer shift, so you can get an idea of where your skills would be best utilized.


Registration Volunteers will receive their training from the HCSRN Central Office Team.

Registration Duties:

  • Checking in Conference attendees.
  • Provide attendee with appropriate registration materials (if any).
  • Assist attendees with questions regarding the Conference.
  • Act as a resource for directional and local area information, if possible (locate nearest restrooms).
  • Assist with Conference tasks, as necessary, at the Registration Desk.


HCSRN Central Office Team will prepare all session packets including detailed instructions for the Room Liaisons.

Session Room Liaison Duties:

  • Pick up session packet from the Registration Desk no less than 15 minutes prior to the session.
  • Check in with the Session Moderator(s) who will facilitate the session.
  • Place name cards at head table (if applicable).
  • Check the room for temperature, cleanliness and comfort.
  • Upload presentation to session laptop, if necessary.
  • Coordinate with AV support team to address technical difficulties.
  • Give a five-minute notice that the session is starting.
  • Use time cards to keep session on track.
  • Coordinate start and end times with Session Moderator.
  • Ensure session starts and ends on time.
  • Record the number of session attendees on the outside of the packet.
  • Return the session packet to the Registration Desk.


Session Moderator Duties:

  • Connect with the Session Room Liaison before the session begins.
  • Coordinate start and end times with Session Liaison
  • Introduce the speakers in the assigned order.
  • Keep the speakers on time (the Session Room Liaison will have time cards; however, the moderator must enforce the timing).
  • Determine whether there is time for questions at the end of each presentation. (If the presenter uses the whole time assigned for their talk, no additional time is allocated for questions).
  • Monitor the time for audience questions.
  • End the session.