HCSRN Awards Nominations - Now Open!


February 3 - March 3, 2025: Applications are open
March 10 - 13, 2025: Judging
The week of March 17: Notifications sent to all applicants

Awards to be presented at the State of the Network Plenary
scheduled Wednesday, April 9 from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

Paper of the Year Award
HCSRN's Paper of the Year Award seeks to recognize a paper that has or is likely to have an impact on science, research methods, health care delivery, policy, or patient outcomes. Nominated papers should illustrate the type of work that could only be done at HCSRN-like settings. Nominees must be an investigator from one of HCSRN’s 19 member sites. Papers published 2023 - present are eligible. 

Click here to submit a Paper of the Year Nomination

HCSRN Mentor of the Year Award
The HCSRN Mentor of the Year Award has a long history of recognizing those who have gone out of their way to provide guidance and motivation, and to share their knowledge, expertise and wisdom. If your mentor is always there with advice, ideas and a listening ear, recognize them by nominating them for this award. All HCSRN members are eligible for this award, regardless of their role.

Click here to submit a Mentor of the Year Nomination